Wednesday, October 7, 2009


This is what happen in lecture.

“mau memelihara mice in padang…. kahwinkan… everyday we check…. (trying hard to think)… bahasa Indonesia aja ya…”
“ ya ya ya…” Relieved. Finally!!!
“ test setiap hari nyatakan kembali… tunggu sampai besok…”

“ Drug move to 1st phase…” oh.. she is back in using broken English!
“Drug move to facebook, everyone score A!” Jan said.

“Fast +ve in binatang but in human can kelainan. Fast –ve tidak kelihatan teratogenic…” (then she show the slide, is false, not fast..

"DES shows after 20 years..."



李奕燊 said...

fast positive and fast negative made me think (1st time) in lecture.

Anonymous said...

i loike jan!!!