Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Document to be prepared for Wisuda

10 berkas yang harus diserahkan :
1.     Pasphoto terbaru (less than 3 months) ukuran  :
·          3 x 4 = 6 lembar (hitam putih) termasuk yang ditempel|
·          2 x 3 = 3 lembar (berwarna) dengan latar kuning
·          3 x 4 = 3 lembar (berwarna) dengan latar kuning
Ø  Pria memakai setelan jas lengkap (warna bebas), bukan jas almamater
Ø  Wanita memakai blouse blasser (warna bebas)
Ø  Photo tegak, kedua daun telinga nampak, tanpa menutup kepala
Ø  Pasphoto dimasukkan dalam amplop dan diberi nama dan nomor mahasiswa memakai Pensil 2B
2.     Bon pinjam toga (according to akademik, fill intranet when it is open)
3.     Surat bebas pinjam buku dan alat dari :
·          Fakultas (Library)
·          Library Universitas (the one opposite the nearest KFC from campus)
·          Bagian PAU Pangan dan Gizi UGM (Barat Gedung MM), (the building near the roundabout to Pogung Kidul)
4.     Surat keterangan telah menyerahkan Naskah Publikasi & CD dari Unit Perpustakaan FK UGM
5.     Membayar biaya wisuda sarjana Rp 150.000,-
(Melalui Counter Bank BNI FK UGM dengan Nomor Rekening 179402424 UGM FKU Penunjang)
6.     Membayar KAGAMA (Bagian Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan / Mbak Ria)
·          Biaya lencana dan majalah : Rp 17.500,-
·          Foto Rp 20.000,-
·          Dasi kupu-kupu (laki-laki) Rp 6.000,-
7.     Fotokopi Ijazah A Level.
8.     Bagi yang Foto Ijazah Sarjana menggunakan tudung, mohon mengisi formulir pernyataan bermaterai Rp 6.000,- (form disediakan di akademik)
9.     Fotokopi TOEFL / IELTS
10.   Copy Passport

1.     Persyaratan wisuda dikumpulkan 2-6 April
2.     Berkas supaya diurutkan dari butir 1 s.d. 10
3.     Semua berkas di masukkan dalam STOPMAP

Professional Behaviour

Professional Behavior Announcement for Batch 2008
1. Students batch 2008 that were included in special group and were invited to Professional Behavior meetings, must attend both meeting (22nd and 28th February 2012) as a requirement for graduation. 

2. Students who missed one meeting, will receive consequences, as follow:
a. Write formal letter to explain about reason of absence, and attach evidence documents to support the reason.
b. Complete 2 task:
i. Main assignment (Reflection and Article/Journal Review)
ii. Additional assignment (task explanation below *)

3. Students who missed both meetings, will receive consequences, as follow:
a. Write formal letter to explain about reason of absence, and attach evidence documents to support the reason.
b. Complete 3 task:
i. Main assignment (Reflection and Article/Journal Review)
ii. Additional assignment (task explanation below)
iii. Mandatory meeting with Professional Behavior Team to discuss about the
3rd assignment (Professional Behavior Project during clerkship)

4. All documents (letter and assignments) should be submitted before February 28th 2012, 8 AM.

5. Any students who do not complete all the requirement, will receive consequences from the academic office.

* Additional Assignment

1. Write a proposal about “The Ideal Professional Behavior Education in Medical School”.

2. The following ideas should be delivered in the proposal:
a. Do you think professional behavior education needed for medical students? Why? Explain your reason.
b. What should medical students learn about professional behavior?
c. How do you propose the method and strategy for medical students to learn about professional behavior?
d. From who should medical students learn about professional behavior?
e. How to evaluate medical students’ professional behavior?
f. What do you suggest for professional behavior education in Faculty Medicine UGM?

3. Proposal should use at least 2 references title (published journal/articles), with copy of references attached and submitted.

4. Minimum 2 page length of proposal, handwritten, black or blue ink allowed.

5. Proposal to be submitted to Professional Behavior Office (KPTU 3rd floor) before Tuesday, 28th February 2012, 8 AM.

Professional Behavior e-mail: professionalbehavior.gmu@gmail.com

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